+44 (0)7967 158071
Learn the secrets of wet felting. How to effectively draw with wool and other natural fibres and create your own piece of durable , bonded felt ‘fine art’.
Sarah also teaches drawing , and some garment making
It's challenging but immensely satisfying to create your own piece of felt in a workshop environment at Sarah's studio in Herefordshire.
You can try your hand at at it and create your own piece of felt art in a workshop environment at Sarah's studio in Herefordshire.

It's an enjoyable and challenging day gaining an insight into the world of wet felting. We work in small groups (max 4) which means you enjoy a high level of personal supervision. All materials are provided and you will leave having created your own piece of felt art.

We will explore the process of manipulating various fibres to try and draw with wool. Beginning at 11am for coffee, talk and explanation. We start by creating an initial experimental piece. After a delicious lunch (vegetarian) we will progress to a larger more detailed work using your own ideas, drawings and fibres (if you have some you wish to use). Finish at 3pm for tea.